Ulrika Eller-Rüter

Ulrika Eller-Rüter

Website : : https://ulrika-eller-rueter.de/


Born in Hamburg, Germany

1982-88 Studies: Fine Arts Department University Wuppertal/Germany (Prof. Michael Badura); Singing (Claudia Visca; Opera Wuppertal, Music Academy, Wien)

1989 Doktorate “Kandinsky: Bühnenkomposition und Dichtung als Realisation seines Synthese-Konzepts”

Since 2006 Professor of painting at Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Alfter/Bonn

2008 founding the Institute of  „Kunst im sozialen Brennpunkt“ (Art in social focal point)

Since 2008 intercultural, interdisciplinary, participatory art projects, interventions in the public space and performances  in Romania, Palestine, South Africa, Nicaragua, Poland, Lithuania, China, Iran, Russia, Germany

International exhibitions

Since 2020 member of the curatorium of Beethoven Foundation Bonn

Works and lives in Wuppertal and Bonn

Visiting Professorship

  • 2015 Visiting Professorship Jana Mateijki Academy Krakow/Poland

             and Visual Arts Department  Stellenbosch-University Stellenbosch/South-Africa

  • 2016 Visiting Professorship Fine Arts Department/ Al Quds University in Abu Dis/Palestine
  • 2017 Visiting Professorship Visual Arts Department Sichuan China University Chengdu/China
  • 2018 Visiting Professorship Vilnius Academy of Arts /Lithuania

Works and lives in Wuppertal and Bonn

Dome at Seafloor - Multimedia-Installation, Venice 2021


  1. F. Händel: “De torrente in via” (Dixit dominus);

Soprano I: Ulrika Eller-Rüter, Soprano II: Mohani Poulet; Organ: Jürgen Böhme

  1. Voice Improvisation: Ulrika Eller-Rüter: Didgeridoo: Marvin Dillmann; Water-Percussion: Friedemann Geisler

Water stores memories and reflects in every drop the influence of the environment - as an ocean of information: they show “big data” about life, civilization, cosmos and the universe.
Since 2019, the artist has been collecting water samples from rivers, oceans, fountains, springs, archiving them, studying them under a microscope and making more than 400 hidden "images" and codes visible - stored information in each drop. All drops are digitalized and projected like architecture all-round as a “dome” - a „Dome at Seafloor“ - in Venice, the city of churches and the rising sea level.

Since the corona pandemic, people “read” these drop images also as hidden messages of the viral structures of the corona virus and its thousands of mutations.

