In conjunction with InCast Tokyo 22, Arkadiusz Marcinkowski and Andreas Guskos will hold an exhibition in Kumamoto.
logos@techne Exhibition Details
We are part of a mathematical superuniverse that transcends time. Matter, nature, and physics (φύσης) arose from mathematics. The Pythagorean school regarded numbers as real entities. The first layer of the manifestation of life is the gene, and the second layer is the meme, the host of our conscious existence. Memes, like mathematics, are immaterial entities.
This exhibition presents art related to this context.
- Date: Friday, November 4 - Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:00 - 18:00
- Place: Gallery Takechi Gallery Takechi, 4-1-2F Suido-cho, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto
Openig Party November 4, 17:00~ Artists present Free
InCAST Tokyo Online Conference
November 5 and 6, both days from 17:00~ YouTube
Organized by InCAST Kumamoto + Szczecin Art Academy
Co-organized by Gallery Takechi / Koji Asakawa Delta Works
Supported by: Institute of Representational Culture (Professor Emeritus Yasuyuki Saegusa, Sojo University)
Cooperation: Uptown Koenji Gallery Faculty of Art, Sojo University, Kinoshita Laboratory, Department of Design, Sojo University

Arkadiusz Marcinkowski
Arkadiusz Marcinkowski was born in 1970 in Poland. In 1989 he graduated from the High School of Fine Arts in Szczecin. In 1991 he began studying at the University of Fine Arts in Poznań. In 1995-1996 he stu- died in the Netherlands. In 1996 he obtained a master’s degree in art from the University of Fine Arts in Poznań. He organized several exhibitions in the field of graphics and easel painting and took part in many exhi- bitions abroad. Among others in Japan, where he travelled several times and where he had a many of exhibitions at prestigious galleries in Tokio, Osace, Kobe, Kioto, Yamanakadani, Kumamoto, Wakayama, Nakanojo, Takaruzaka, Sakai i Tamana. Since 2006, he has been a member of the board of the Poznań District of the Association of Polish Artists. He is also a member of the Japanese artistic organization A-21 operating in Osaka. In 2011 he obtained the post-doctoral degree at the University of Fine Arts in Poznań. 2013 he was appointed an associate professor at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin and WSUS in Poznań. Currently, he is the dean of graphics at the Academy of Art in Szczecin. He is also the vice-rector at the Poznan University of Social Sciences. In 2020, he received the title of full professor from the President of Poland. He is the author of many individual exhibitions. He took part in several dozen group exhibitions in the country and abroad, including in the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Georgia, Taiwan, Israel, Russia, Spain, Norway, Iran, China, Czech Republic, Slovakia, United Kingdom and in many places in Poland. He deals with digital graphics, video art, graphic design, painting and spatial activities.

Andreas Guskos
In my work I am referring to natural philosophy and trying to get closer to the mystery how nature evolved and how the universe is buildt.
PhD D.Sc. Andreas Guskos, Full Professor. Ph.D. and D.Sc. in Art. MA Eng. in Architecture. Working in the fields of Art, Design and Architecture. Exhibited and presented his works in Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, UAE, USA, Taiwan, Hongkong, Mainland China, Israel and Japan. Originator and developer of the International Interdisciplinary Symposia on Art, Science and Technology MEDEA.