InCAST Tokyo 2022 のイベントが開催されたのだが、何かと忙しくその内容をまとめる事ができなかった。
The InCAST Tokyo 2022 event was held, but I was too busy to summarize the event.
Following last year's event, this art event to be held in Japan is slightly different in character from a mere exhibition. First, its theme is a crossover of "art, technology, and science," and its participating members are connected to the world beyond national borders.
It is especially important that the exhibition was held in Japan at this time, since the main European members are in Poland, adjacent to Ukraine, which is currently at war.
Art is free and has no borders.
I feel that is not so special for those of us who live in a peaceful country.
However, in many countries, there are also restrictions on art. If one asks whether art can be freely expressed in each country, there are naturally more countries with various restrictions.
There is no such direct expression toward Ukraine in this event. In fact, each artist incorporated the reality of Ukraine into his or her work, and each wish took shape in his or her own way.
We are stupid.
We are full of selfish and arrogant deeds. But it is okay to be noble and merciful once in a while.
Therefore, it would be good if we could move forward, just a little bit, in a better direction than we are now. I would like to believe that artwork should be able to function as a cornerstone for this purpose.
Thank you to everyone who helped out. And thank you to all the artists, it was a pleasure to be a part of InCAST.